EE launches free 4G WiFi service in London black cabs

Fleet of traditional hackney carriages to offer free mobile 4G to passengers across London and Birmingham courtesy of EE

From Tuesday 2nd April, commuters in London and Birmingham can hitch a superfast ride in the 4GEE Taxis – the UK's first ever fleet of 4G enabled hackney carriages. Even if stuck in rush hour traffic, passengers will experience a super-speedy journey thanks to free mobile 4G from EE, as Britain's only superfast 4G network brings the latest in communications technology to this unique fleet of taxis.

The traditional hackney cab has long been a part of the UK's transport history and now 50 of these iconic vehicles are making history of their own. Each car has been given a hi-tech makeover and fitted with a state-of-the-art MiFi wireless router that acts as a mobile 4G hotspot connecting the cabs to the UK's only superfast 4G network.
Every day over 200,000 black cab journeys are taken across London[1] alone and over 40% of smartphone users across London and Birmingham say they have been late for a meeting while in stuck in traffic. However, 1 in 5 commuters said it would make their day less stressful if they had access to the internet whilst travelling in a taxi. By fitting a fleet of 50 taxicabs with superfast 4G, EE hopes that passengers will see the time-saving benefits of using its 4G network on the go.
Spencer McHugh, Director of Brand, EE said: "The first motorised black cabs hit the streets in 1901, nearly 70 years before the first smartphone was available to consumers, now we are bringing this icon of British transport into the 21st century with a 4G make-over. We hope this trial will demonstrate the benefits of a superior online experience as users can browse, download, catch up on emails, Tweet and check Facebook literally at the speed of light. We can't make taxi journeys any faster but we can certainly speed up people's smartphones!"
The free 4G service will be available for three months with 40 traditional Hackney carriages in London and 10 in Birmingham decked out with the state-of-the-art technology.

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