Nokia Tablet Coming Soon

Reports of a tablet from Nokia has been scorching around for quite some time now. There were even rumours of a 10-inch tablet with dual-core Qualcomm processor featuring Windows 8 operating system arriving in the fourth quarter this year just a few days back. But they
were just rumours.

As Reuters reports, Design Chief of Nokia, Marko Ahtisaari, has confirmed in an interview that they are in plans for a tablet and one-third of his time is spent working on it. The interview was published in a Finnish magazine, Kauppalehti Optio. The handset manufacturing company has recently been focussed on making Windows based smartphones, so it is expected that Nokia will also launch their tablet on Windows platform later this year.
Stephen Elop, Nokia’s Chief Executive was also quoted saying that the company takes this segment as an interesting category as most other tablet manufacturers are battling for dominance against Apple’s iPad and now Nokia needs to take a different approach if they are to get into the race this late for competing in the already crowded market.
While the tablet will feature Windows 8 OS or not is still unconfirmed and the company wants to keep the details to themselves even on the arrival of the tablet. But as of now we know that there will be a tablet from the Finnish manufacturer sooner or later and we can definitely expect a stand out product from Nokia nonetheless.

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