Lava Mobiles, an Indian handset manufacturer which forayed into the Android segment with the S12 smartphone, will launch an Android tablet in February. S N Rai, co-founder and director, Lava Mobiles, said , "Lava will launch an Android 2.3 based tablet in February for Rs 5,500." He further said, "The tablet will be made available bundled with a service provider's connection and will not be available as a standalone device." Though he did not reveal the name of the service provider, he said that the Telco is operational across India.
On the spe
cification front, he said, "The tablet will be a 7 inch capacitive touch screen tablet, and will have a 1 GHz processor. It will also support a SIM slot as it will help our operator partner to push their data services." Rai also added that Lava Mobiles is in advance stage of talks with Intel for providing the processor for the tablet. He further added Lava, is working on specific apps ranging from education to health and most probably these will come pre-loaded in the tablet.
cification front, he said, "The tablet will be a 7 inch capacitive touch screen tablet, and will have a 1 GHz processor. It will also support a SIM slot as it will help our operator partner to push their data services." Rai also added that Lava Mobiles is in advance stage of talks with Intel for providing the processor for the tablet. He further added Lava, is working on specific apps ranging from education to health and most probably these will come pre-loaded in the tablet.
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